Accountants Behaving Badly

Every year, “true crime” fans look forward to the IRS Criminal Investigation Unit’s annual report detailing their efforts to combat the cheats who don’t pay their share. This year’s edition is no exception, with dozens of entertaining...

Guaranteed Loser

You’ve bought a lottery ticket or two in your time, right? The Powerball jackpot hits a kajillion dollars, and you realize you really can’t win if you don’t play. So you buy a ticket or two just to nurse that fantasy of champagne wishes and caviar...

Big News from Washington

Americans have been complaining about income taxes since the IRS unleashed the first Form 1040 on us back in 1913. Sure, we all hate paying them. But as the tax code has ballooned to twice the length of the Bible (with none of the good news), preparing them has become...

Decoding The Code

The Imitation Game is the critically acclaimed story of Alan Turing, a British mathematician who is widely credited as being the father of computer science and artificial intelligence. Benedict Cumberbatch plays Turing, whose work in cracking Nazi Germany’s...
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