Make The Vital Change That Will Level Up Your Service Business
The biggest problem that service business owners and entrepreneurs have is that they don’t know what their biggest problem is. Been there! Have you?
If you find yourself trapped between stagnating sales, staff turnover, and unhappy customers, What Do You Fix First?
Every issue seems urgent — but there’s no way to address all of them at once. The result? A business that continues to go in endless circles putting out urgent fires and prioritizing the wrong things.
The biggest problem entrepreneurs have is that they don’t know what their biggest problem is. If can relate…
- You find yourself trapped between stagnating sales, staff turnover, and unhappy customers, and wonder what to fix first.
- Every issue seems urgent — but there’s no way to address all of them at once.
- You feel like you are putting out fires every day and never getting ahead.
Then it’s time for Fix This Next to come to your rescue.

What is Fix This Next?
A Simple Strategy To Grow A Remarkable Business In Any Field
Fix This Next is a business triage methodology created by Mike Michalowicz, inspired by Maslow’s heirarchy of human needs. Mike posed the question, “what is the heirarchy of the needs of a business?
SALES At this foundational level, the business must focus on the creation of cash. If you don’t have sales, your company will not be able to survive for long.
PROFIT This is where the company’s focus shifts to the creation of stability. Our business’s needs line up pretty closely with our human needs for health, financial stability, and a secure and safe environment.
ORDER The focus is on the creation of efficiency, and the needs are related to ensuring that everything runs “like clockwork” so it can run and grow no matter what.
IMPACT This level is about client transformation and how your business aligns to your staff, vendors and community.
LEGACY This is so you can create a bigger impact even after you move on, so you can create a business that continues to thrive for generations.

What Does A Fix This Next Advisor Do?
As a Certified Fix This Next Advisor we evaluate your business to see what needs to be fixed first so that you can be profitable, efficient, sustainable business that creates order and leaves you with a legacy.

Pinpoint Your Most Vital Need We’ll prioritize what is vital to fix.
Fix Your Company’s Most Vital Need With this program we’ll share solutions to fix crucial problems now.
Grow Your Business Continually Then help you take the next step and move up the pyramid.
It’s time to stop spinning your wheels use a system that gives you the answers as to exactly what you should focus on next in your business.
FIX THIS NEXT PROGRAM COMING SOON! While you wait, check out our Profit Planning Programs so you can get started in the right direction by injecting more profits into your service business!