Deep inside legislation passed in late 2019, is a provision that broadens the acceptable use of 529 college savings plan funds. Background 529 savings plans are available to set aside after-tax funds to pay for college and K through 12 education expenses. As long as...
Banking tips to help you cash in Your cash is parked. Do you know if it’s making or losing you money? For instance, letting it sit in a non-interest-bearing account is a waste of earnings potential. It’s actually losing money if you factor in inflation! Here are...
Everybody likes getting something for free, and taxes are no different. Investing in securities like municipal bonds (munis) or municipal bond funds generates tax-free interest income. Here is what you need to know. Advantages of municipal bonds You pay zero federal...
It’s possible that someone in your family will need assisted living care at some point in their life. This care can be at an assisted living facility, a nursing home, or in their own home. Often, assisted living care is expensive and not fully reimbursable by...
When it comes to the perception of IRS audits, conjecture reigns supreme. The combination of the complex tax code and a government agency with the full authority to enforce it leads to some pretty wild ideas. Separating truth from fiction is an important exercise for...