How Bad is an IRS Audit?

I’m sure that if you polled people about their top fears, right up there with public speaking, heights, and spiders would be getting notice of an IRS audit. Many contractors are so afraid of the IRS that they often forego the deductions they deserve because they don’t...

Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail

The first mistake most service business owners make with their taxes is the biggest mistake of all: it’s a failure to plan… …Which is essentially planning to fail! For a lot of business owners, one of the few times over the course of a year where they...

Employee Success From Day 1

In the last article, we talked about the interview process that works like a filter for your business, eliminating the wrong candidates who will only cost you time and money, and raising the best contenders to the top for employee success. Once you’ve got your next A...

Interviewing Mistakes to Avoid

In the last article, we talked about the challenges of hiring the right people as well as the high costs of hiring the WRONG people and now we’re looking at interviewing mistakes. So you can make sure you are talking to the right people, how to talk to them so...

How To Hire The Best Candidate and Build A Team That Wins

Hiring is a challenge that every business owner encounters as their business grows. At some point, you can’t do anymore as a one-man or woman show and you need to hire the best candidate and build a team so you can keep growing your business. But hiring the wrong...

Myth Busting Profit First: Do You Really Need An Authorized Expert?

In the first article we shared two of the most common myths surrounding the Profit First methodology. We covered why Profit First is NOT an accounting system, and also what to do when someone says that Profit First “just doesn’t work”. If you missed it head there...
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