Harness the Profit First Method to Maximize Profits and Minimize Taxes

So many home service business owners feel like they are playing catch up on their finances and are struggling to even know if they are profitable. My answer to that is the Profit First Method and planning well for your business taxes. Recently I was able to be a guest...

Coming Changes to Legal Overtime – Don’t Be Caught Unaware!

In this episode I brought Rhamy Alajeal back to make sure you are aware of upcoming changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act’s Overtime Exemption Rules in the United States (ie legal overtime). Starting in July 2024, any salaried employee making less than $43,888...

10 Home Service Business Profit Leaks You’ll Want To Avoid

It’s not all about the ‘books’, and accounting where a service business can leak profits. It’s in EVERY area of the business. I already shared 10 hidden profit leaks from some of the amazing guests I’ve had on the Profitable Home Services Podcast, and I have 10 more....
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