Vroom Vroom Veer

Diane Gardner is guest starred on the Vroom Vroom Veer Podcast with show host Jeff Smith.


Diane Gardner Vroom Veer Stories

  • GOOD:  Changes to the Alternative Minimum Tax
  • Mixed:  Changes to the Itemized deductions
  • Good:  Some States are trying to work out a charitable contribution credit for the money that’s paid in for taxes. Congress is not happy with that.
  • Good:  I have a sole proprietorship, that makes me a pass through business, What’s new with pass-through business treatment?
  • Ugly:  meals in? and entertainment out?
  • Good:  Hire-your-kids strategy!  YAY!
  • Mixed:  Standard deduction was raised, most folks won’t itemize.
  • Good:  Families with younger children; Congress doubled the child tax credit.
  • Explain the difference between a tax deduction and a tax credit?
  • Good:  We have a new family tax credit for people taking care of elderly parents or other adults.
  • Good:  Wonderful score in the business world under depreciation.
Do You Have A Plan To Increase The Profits In Your Service Business?

What If You Are Throwing Money Out The Window?

Do  You Know The Health Of Your Service Business?



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