Every year is an election year when it comes to making decisions on your annual income tax return. Here are four common examples that can create tax savings opportunities if you elect the correct option. 1. Tax filing status. Typically, filing a joint tax return...
Mileage rates for travel are now set for 2020. The standard business mileage rate decreases by 0.5 cents to 57.5 cents per mile. The medical and moving mileage rates also decreases by 3 cents to 17 cents per mile. Charitable mileage rates remain unchanged at 14 cents...
Before 2019 comes to a close, take some time to review these essential items to ensure you are not missing something that could cause tax trouble when you file your tax return: 1. Take required minimum distributions (RMDs). If you are age 70½ or older, you need...
Kids aren’t the only ones heading back to school this fall. Many adults are also taking courses to pursue a new career or improve their current job skills. Fortunately, adult students may qualify for several tax breaks. Here are four possible options: American...
Diane Gardner guest starred on the Your Wealth and Beyond podcast with show host Andrew Rafal. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN On this episode, we cover: How to avoid major red flags and potential audit triggers as an entrepreneur or small business owner The common fears that...