4 Awesome Summertime Tax Saving Tips

Summer is usually the time for relaxing, but it can also be a time for tax savings, especially if you’re still reeling from an unexpectedly large tax bill in April. Here are four timely tips: Rent your home. If you rent out your main home or a vacation home part of...

Accelerate Your Business Growth

Diane Gardner guest starred on the Accelerate Your Business Growth podcast with show host Diane Helbig. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN  On this episode, we cover:  How to translate the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 How to take advantage of every new deduction, credit,...

Romantic Tax Collectors Love Valentine’s Day, Too

Valentine’s Day Great for Taxes It’s February, and love is in the air. Restaurants are advertising intimate Valentine’s Day specials for two. Florists are rolling out the red carpet. And in the greeting card racks across the country, Hallmark’s...

2018 Tax Outlook: Big Changes in Place!

2018 Tax Cuts You Won’t Want to Miss If you blinked, you might have missed it! Late last year, Washington passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 — the biggest tax overhaul in 31 years. It was so long ago that Ronald Reagan was still in the White House....

Tax Breaks Through Charity Work

If you do volunteer work for a charitable organization and have not kept track of your out-of-pocket expenses, you might be passing up an excellent opportunity to lower your tax bill. To qualify, your unreimbursed expenses must relate directly to the charity, and you...
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