Support is Sexy

Diane Gardner guest starred on Support is Sexy podcast with show host Elayne Fluker.


On this episode of the Support is Sexy podcast, I share something all entrepreneurs need to know — those expensive mistakes many of us make when it comes to taxes. If this is something that might interest you, click to listen

On this episode, we also cover: 

  • How to find your voice
  • How to tap into your specialty
  • Building your own celebrity.
  • What kind of entity you should consider for your company.
  • What you need to know about the new U.S. tax law.
  • Why you need a business savings account.
  • Powerful lessons about your money mindset.
  • Why you must keep really good records for your business.
  • The b-word: Budget.

To listen to more Tax Coach 4 You podcasts, click here!

Do You Have A Plan To Increase The Profits In Your Service Business?

What If You Are Throwing Money Out The Window?

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