Diane Gardner is guest starred on the CreditSuite Podcast with show host Ty Crandall.
My proactive planning approach gives clients a leg up on Uncle Sam and helps them dodge the tax bullet. I save small business clients between $5,000 and $50,000 in as little as 60 minutes! My tax coaching sessions have resulted in a combined savings of over $817,000 to-date. As a licensed Enrolled Agent, I prepare returns and helps taxpayers nationwide maximize profits and tax savings. I’m a Certified Profit First Professional, an Accredited Tax Preparer and has elite certification as a Certified Tax Coach. I’m also the co-author of the best-selling books, Stand Apart and Why Didn’t My CPA Tell Me That? I’ve also authored six other books including my newest, Stop Overpaying Your Taxes! 11 Ways Entrepreneurs Overpay and How to Stop it Now!
In This Show We Cover:
- What tax coaches are and why you need one
- Tips to find the best tax professional
- How to not pay more in taxes just because of on the entity you choose
- The best business entities to choose for liability reasons
- The difference between tax preparation and tax planning
- The most often missed tax deductions for entrepreneurs
- Why business owners often overpay taxes, and what can be done to stop it
- How to write off medical expenses through your business
- The biggest mistakes business owners make that cost them dearly in taxes
- How to know if you’re paying too much income tax
- How to hire your kids to work in your business
- How pensions and retirement plans affect small businesses
- How to stand apart from your competition and increase the lifetime value of your customers or clients