10 Most Expensive Tax Mistakes That Cost Contractors Thousand$!
By: Diane Gardner, EA, CTC- Are you satisfied with the taxes you pay?
- Are you confident you are getting every available tax break?
- Is your tax advisor giving you proactive advice to save you tax?
Many Service Business owners (HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Roofers, Contractors and more) are making mistakes that cost them a ton of money! Here are just a few…
- Failing to plan
- Missing health care strategies
- Missing some business write offs and deductions, including truck expenses!
- Using the wrong business entity (this is a big one!)

If you are not taking advantage of every legal deduction, credit, loop hole, and strategy, then you need to read this book. You will discover tax mistakes that cost business owners like you, thousands year after year. Diane explains the mistakes in a language that is easy to understand so you have the RIGHT questions to ask when working with your tax professional.
GET YOUR FREE COPY BELOW – We only ask for you to cover the shipping and we’ll mail a hard copy of the book to you.
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If you have any concerns email us at diane@taxcoach4you.com